Archive for March, 2007

Absolut Pictures

14 Mar 2007

This has got to be one damn expensive commercial, but it’s by far one of the best I’ve ever seen. It’s actually way more than your standard 30-second clip. It’s a mini movie, and it’s said to be shot by Sam Raimi for the Absolut Pictures project. The Absolut Pictures campaign is pretty old already, but I was so glad to see this again :) Absolut Good Times :) – The trailer title is ‘Hey Stranger’, by the way.Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Video Link


Nokia Fashion Fraud

13 Mar 2007

To promote the Nokia N95 multimedia device, Nokia asked Swedish agency FarFar to come up with something cool. FarFar didn’t let them down and so the history a ‘great pockets’ finds its way to your pc screen. It’s a bit of an absurd site, and it hasn’t got any flashy or super fast videos, but it’s a nice experience. At first glance it’s not exactly what you expect from a brand like Nokia, but everything will become obvious as you move through the intro and end up at the actual product site. It’s a nice approach, really. Check out this mini-site.

Agency: FarFar
Via: Adverblog


Purity Scent

13 Mar 2007

The American Lung Association of Chicago has been organizing the Hustle Up The Hancock for over 10 years now. They’ve been raising millions of dollars in their quest to end lung disease. With the Purity samples, OfficeMax wanted to dramatize the perfume experience by highlighting a scent they’ve never experienced – clean air. 250 ‘samples’ of this new perfume were handed out at the Hustle Up The Hancock. By giving people an empty perfume vial, Purity caught people off-guard and drew their attention to the ALAC’s goal of improving the quality of the air we breathe.

Purity 1

Purity 2

“The American Lung Association of Chicago is working hard to improve the quality of air we breathe. OfficeMax is a proud sponsor of the 10th annual Hustle Up The Hancock & American Lung Association of Chicago”

Agency: OfficeMax
Creative director: Mark Andeer
Copywriter: Mike Lightman
Art director: Matt Fluegel
Via: Houtlust


Instant Popcorn

13 Mar 2007

This is a great example of why sometimes an ad needs no copy at all. The image set up is just strong enough so that anyone can understand what’s going on. Tabasco is known all over the world for being the hot and spicy sauce, the brand has a very strong image and that doesn’t need to be stressed again with words. Rather than falling back on some cheap one-liner, they opted for this amusing creation, and it’s a perfect match. It expresses exactly what you can expect.
Hot sauce. Very very hot sauce.


Thanks, Diego


Red Cross Outdoor

13 Mar 2007

The opinions differ on these ads that have been put up for the Bay Area Red Cross. Some narrow minded people think the ads aren’t good at all, because they require initiative from the viewer. Yes, you’ve got to move your lazy ass to fit the image into the real world. However, that is exactly what the Red Cross wants you to do. Take action, come closer, see what could happen and give blood so they can help if it happens. You might think about that as well. You can’t expect them to actually set things on fire to show you why they need blood. I think these billboard trucks are great. If you come across them, you’ll come closer, you’ll want to make it fit, once you see that the picture is fitting in really nice with the city scenery. You’ll be ‘interacting’, be it on a lower level, and it’s something that sticks. Which is the entire point.

Bay Area Red Cross 1

Bay Area Red Cross 2

Bay Area Red Cross 3

Bay Area Red Cross 4

Pics by Jason DeFillippo
Via A/D Goodness


DHL Schiphol

12 Mar 2007

In this gigantic three-dimensional billboard measuring 7 by 5 meters, located directly in front of Schiphol Airport’s main entrance in The Netherlands, a small ball rolls from point A to B via the shortest route. At the end of its journey, the ball is transported via an invisible conveyor belt within the billboard back to the top to begin the same journey again, along the same route. Again and again; always the right way.The target audience is business travellers at Schiphol Airport, where 11 million people pass through each year.

DHL Maze

Agency: Ogilvy, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Creative Director: Carl Le Blond
Copywriter: Edsard Schutte
Art Director: Jan-Willem Smits
Production: Armada Signs
Photo: Arno Bosma
Via: AdsOfTheWorld


Jesus Christ Is Chicken

12 Mar 2007

… or at least that’s what PeTA wants you to realize, because just like the Lord, chickens are being struck, humiliated, burned, mistreated and agonized during hours. Personally I think they crossed a line here. For instance, chickens were never able to turn water into wine, and I don’t think the Lord tasted good with fries either. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying chickens don’t need ‘a better life’ before they end up on our plate. Chicken farms are very often a small piece of hell if you see them and far from a pleasant place. But to go all religious about it and compare it with Jesus… that’s a bit over the top. Eating meat (or chicken) is a choice. People have been eating meat since they were around. If all the cavemen were vegetarian and we’d never have eaten meat, we’d be all out of grass and hay by now. That too would be a pity. There’s simply not enough agricultural land available (and a lack of farmers too) to grow enough veggies and greenery to feed the entire world. That’s a fact.

Agency: Unitas, ADV – Chile
Thanks, Roberto

(also on BriefBlog)


Amnesty Execution

12 Mar 2007

We’ve seen pretty impressive campaigns for Amnesty International before (here, here, here, here, here and here) and somehow they keep coming up with things that leave not much to your imagination as you pass them in your daily life. Here’s another one of those eye-catching campaigns, this time to stress the fact the human rights in China still don’t have the same meaning as they have in other countries of the world.

Amnesty International

Copy: “One of the 68 crimes they execute you for in China is tax fraud”

Via: Invisible Red | Briefblog