Creative With Adwords

18 Jan 2008

One of the leading car rental companies in Europe is Sixt. In Germany or Switzerland, and more recently at Schiphol airport in The Netherlands as well, I saw their brand gain traction and become more present. They always find cool ways to do offline marketing stunts, as I have previously covered a few times [hanging car, don't forget]. But also in the online market, they have found ways to be remarkable when they experimented with a new way to make their Google Adwords ads stand out from the crowd.


Pretty clever.

Thanks for the pointer, Paul.


The Pocket Geek

18 Jan 2008

Fuel Industries, an agency specializing in branded entertainment, was hired by QNX Software Systems to help out with the launch of a product directed to a very specific community (embedded software developers). So Fuel Industries came up with something a little different and developed a Flash game called The Pocket Geek to get the Foundry27 forum some more tracking.

Besides the fact the design looks really neat, I’m very fond of the ‘action-figure’ approach. It’s makes a geek-in-the-box look so adorable and cute, I think this could be a super cool direct marketing gadget to send out to agencies. Collect ‘em all, and rule the world!

The gameplay is nice, goes smooth but is a little more complicated than you might suspect at first glance. Keeping a geek productive, not hungry and happy at the same time requires tact. The IQ tests in between are funny :) The goal is to have your project finished by the end of the week. Challenging. Perfect for a Friday afternoon.

Extra stuff:

Thanks for the pointer, Nick Iannitti.


Kicked Out Of Google

16 Jan 2008

Grrr. I got blocked by Google during a drill down search of a forum to look for a playlist of a radio station. All I did was a bit of deep searching by using two keywords and the site: command. Since Google said it had hidden the similar urls and allowed me to click and show them, obviously I did – in the hopes of finding that playlist. But alas, by the time I got to the 12th page of the (at least) 20 retrieved, I got presented by a nice 403-Forbidden and guess what: closing the browser and opening it again didn’t help. They just cut me off. Apparently my actions looked “similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application” which was reason enough for Google to discontinue my search adventures. Apparently systematic searches are not welcome. Maybe I should’ve clicked some ads first…

403 - Forbidden

I wonder what’s wrong with a simple query as this: forum playlist, and then simply extending the search to make Google show ALL urls instead of the ones they selected.

The fancy url isn’t going to help me out here. Grrrrr. I hate it when stuff like this happens. It just comes to show just how much control you have over the things you do on the net. Not much. That’s for sure.


Nostalgic Deluxe Talkboy

08 Jan 2008

Mmm. This one made me think about the old days. Where is the time when kids didn’t need a PS3 with 60 games to entertain theirselves? Where is the time when audio cassettes still did the trick? Observe the various implementations of this deluxe device Tiger once released, and think back to the endless days of super-spy-fun you once had. Fun for hours, unlimited rewind/rewrite functions… OMG. I feel sooooo old when I see this stuff flash by again. I think the clip is from 1995, but it seems almost like it’s from the 80s. Waaaaay back in the days.

Video: Tiger Deluxe TalkBoy


Underwater Love

08 Jan 2008

Houtlust recently merged its content to, so you might want to adjust your bookmarks if you haven’t done so already. I was browsing the site and stumbled upon this pretty interesting ad. Sure, it’s not the first one to be depicted on the wall of a swimming pool under the water level, but I thought it was an interesting take on global warming. Even though I do not think things will take such a dramatic turn, there is still a need to alert people of the dangers if we keep up with our current wasteful lifestyle. This is a pretty cool way to communicate, and most of all I think it’s pretty wow. I’d take a few extra dives just to look at the ad better :-)

Underwater Love

Caption: “Don’t let this be our future. Save our rainforest, stop global warming.”

Agency: Naga DDB, Malaysia


Free Air Guitar

07 Jan 2008

Paul Hennell pointed me to a very interesting piece of hilarious marketing. It’s a bit like selling the holes in the cheese, but in this case it’s free. What a very cunning plan to put this up. A Scottish rock radio station based in Glasgow decided to hand out free air guitars as a promotional stunt for their launch. In front of their building an empty guitar stand invited people to pick a free instrument. As Paul hinted, this might be a super cool idea for a guitar store when you’d add: ‘more colors available inside’. This is just brilliant!

Free Air Guitar

Thanks for the pointer, Paul!


Burn Baby Burn

06 Jan 2008

A little while ago, a new club opened near my town. For their opening they asked an agency in Antwerp to come up with a nice idea. So, since the club was named ‘Burn’, what better way to be remarkable than to set the flyer-boy on fire while he was handing out the flyers? Using a ‘consumer generated’ quality of film, they taped it and sent it out on the web, where apparently some people thought it was real. Discussions in the comments of the site where the clip was leaked show however that not everybody was happy about the fact ‘their’ site was being used to drop a viral. Thing is, you’ll never be able to please everybody. I don’t see this as an abuse of a site, I see this as a nice way to promote a stunt.

Besides the discussion of the fact that virals still make a chance out there, I still think this is pretty cool. If they pull off the stunt a few times in a more crowded area, I’m sure it will lead to the needed word of mouth advertising scenarios. This is, and remains, something you do not see every day, and so it’s good enough to grab the attention of the people who see this happen. They will beyond any doubt accept the flyer and read it. They might not hold on to it, but they’ll read the message. And in a world where you have to deal with an overload of boring advertisements and commercials, standing out of the crowd is the first issue to work on. Mission accomplished, I’d say.

Agency: DuboisMeetsFugger
Made by Wendy Wauters & Karl Magnus
Filmed by Toon Mertens


Join The Conversation

06 Jan 2008

As mentioned in the previous post, I’m about to dig myself a way through a pile of structurally ordered letters that make marketing sense when read in the right direction. I’ll be combining the joyful read of AnnaMaria Turano & John Rosen’s Stopwatch Marketing with Jospeh Jaffe’s Join The Conversation. Jospeh’s book is all about conversation, because there lies the true power of brand marketing. Other than offering a decent product in a perfect fashion, the talking about it and the reviews that satisfied customers have afterwards with their friends and relatives build up a brand image that is more stronger and powerful than any PR activity could achieve on its own. Third party recommendations are stronger and more dedicated and stand tall. Combine that with a decent strategy and well adjusted ideas from a book as Stopwatch Marketing and I’m pretty sure your brand/product/idea will be a hit with the right dose of both approaches.

Joseph’s book is a fistful of well aimed thoughts about how brands and marketing can profit from the power of conversation. If you look at the line-up of the chapters, you’ll get the drift.

  1. Talking “at” versus talking “with”
  2. The many-to-many model
  3. Can marketing be a conversation?
  4. The birth of Generation I
  5. The rise of the prosumer
  6. The new consumerism
  7. The six Cs: Three phases of conversation
  8. The consent-conversation relationship
  9. What conversations are in your future?
  10. Why are you so afraid of conversation?
  11. The 10 tenets of good conversation
  12. The 5 ways you can join the conversation
  13. When conversation isn’t a conversation at all
  14. Where does conversation fit in?
  15. Conversation through community
  16. Conversation through dialog
  17. Conversation through partnership
  18. Getting started: The manifesto for experimentation
  19. Does conversation work?
  20. Do you speak conversation? Take the test

Again, just as I wrote a few hours ago: I look forward to reading this and write down my thoughts. Check back soon for a decent review.