Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

The GenPets

13 Jun 2006

Looking for a new pet? Try this: Genpets are living, breathing mammals. Bio-Genica is a Bio-engineering Company that has combined, and modified existing DNA to create the Genpets lineup. Genpets are flesh and blood just like any other animal. How do Genpets stay alive in the packages? While the Genpets™ hang on retail shelves they are in a chemically induced type of hibernation controlled by a protein in the packages’ nutrient supply tubes. This was a natural trait found in many seasonal animals that would normally hibernate in colder northern climates that has been added to the Genpet line. This also ensures comfort for the Genpets™ while they are on store shelves.


Meet the Genpets | Thanks, Ben


The iBar

10 Jun 2006

Here’s a cool effect for a lounge bar: the interactive iBar. It’s a simple idea that can have a wonderful effect in clubs when the lights are dimmed. Heck, I’d even want one at home. I think it’s incredibly nice. Suits just fine if you serve your friends some drinks.

Integrated video-projectors can project any content on the milky bar-surface. The intelligent tracking system of iBar detects all objects touching the surface. This input is used to let the projected content interact dynamically with the movements on the counter. Objects can be illuminated at their position or virtual objects can be touched with the fingers.
The iBar system is ready to be installed completely into any kind of bar-counter, there’s no need for any further installations on the ceiling or something like that. The software is flexible and can be adjusted and enhanced. Suitable for Videos, Newspaper, Brochures, Games, Fun, Visuals, Ambience etc.

More about the iBar

Google Video Link


Windows Live Session London

31 May 2006

Darren Straight interviewed Phil Holden when we were in London at the Windows Live Road Show, and it’s all on tape. He’s put the links to the videos on his blog, so if you head over to his spot, you can check them out. Great job, Darren! Thanks!

Darren Straight & Phil Holden

Check out Darren’s blog | Read my review of the event


The Unseen Video

30 May 2006

The Unseen Video is a weather controlled, dynamic music video for Mike Milosh’s – You Make Me Feel. The Unseen Video is much more than a normal, static music video. It is a video that is affected by the weather and local time from the position of the viewer. You’ve got to see this, it’s awesome.

We want to create new synergies between the music, the video and the surroundings of the viewer. Every little change in your environment ensures that you will never see the same video twice. The look of the video might slightly change within an hour, but will have a whole new character in a few months.

Because the images are different for every location and for every other weather situation, you might want to check out some screenshots from others to see how they’ve experienced this animation. There’s a pool on Flickr with screenshots.

For me, the situation was analyzed like this:

The Unseen Video (weather settings)

The Unseen Video (atmosphere)

Check the Flash movie


Blogpost From Office 2007

25 May 2006


This entry is posted from Word 2007 to a remote blog. Let’s see if it works.

For info about the time-bug check this post on

Check on the Microsoft site how to confire you Word.

Free Office 2007 Beta

Get the beta! Join the fun!

Edit: you have to save the post as a draft, because apparently a direct post gets lost on its way to the server. But drafts are instantly sent. Kewl.


Interactive Billboards

09 May 2006

Textually reports on a new trend in France that’s about to kick in very soon:

Sometime in the next few weeks, French billboards will be able to speak to your mobile phone – but only with your permission . The IHT reports.

"People with certain kinds of phones who download a special software program and say they want to participate will receive digital advertising – when the phone is near the billboards. [...]

Advertisements most common on mobile phones now are self- promotional text messages sent by phone companies to subscribers. The difference with the new project is that consumers consent to receive alerts about digital advertising as they move through the city"

Kameleon Technologies is taking the lead with the smart tag networks for billboards, cinemas and stores. Visit the site and see the Flash animation for more details about this new trend.

Smart Tag Ads

Cross-posted on i-wisdom


A 16Gig USB Credit Card

27 Apr 2006

Cool gadget from PQI, about the size of a normal credit card but with a whopping storage 16 Gb. This small toy is USB 2.O/1.1 compatible and fits for Mac & PC. It’s 3mm thin, and measures 85×54mm. It doesn’t need external power and stores any type of date you want it to store. How very nifty!

U 510

Grammatically I’d have switched ‘just’ and ‘not’, but umm… it’s not about the words.

Seen on OhGizmo


Yahoo TV Launched

26 Apr 2006

So, I’m waiting for Google to come after this but in the meanwhile Yahoo kicked off their Go-TV and from the first reviews I’ve read I don’t think it’s an understatement to say that it really opens up a lot of opportunities. Not only for advertisers, but also for consumers.

From the Unofficial Yahoo Blog:

Instead of huddling around your 17″ monitor and cluttered desk to view your Y! Photo album of the latest family gathering, you can show them from the comfort of your TV viewing room. You can also see pictures from on-the-fly Flickr searches. You can also play DVD’s or saved video files on your computer and watch them on your TV! Kind of eliminates the need for the ol’ DVD-player don’t it? And there’s a lot of Yahoo! Premium content in audio and video form that is easily accessible through Yahoo! Go – TV.
There’s more features to discover at the Y! Go – TV site.