Archive for September, 2006

Nikko Minichamps

22 Sep 2006

This one is really cute. The hand on the car is what was missing in the Matchbox campaign I blogged a little while ago. I like this because of the looks, and the idea is really good. The hand might have been a bit bigger to make it look a little more realistic, but this is certainly already a very nice start.

Nikko Minichamps

Agency: Leo Burnett, Singapore
Creative Director: Steve Straw
Art director: David Joubert
Copywriter: Jatinder Sandhu
Account Service: Jolynn Wong
Via: AdsOfTheWorld


Tickle Me Elmo

22 Sep 2006

Check out the Tickle Me Elmo TMX demo and tell me your heart doesn’t fill with desire when this ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing) puppet comes your way. I want one of these, seriously! I’m going to order it this weekend, as soon as I’ve found out where to buy it online. This little red devil is going to become my mascotte! I’ve already made some space on the desk :)

Seen on iBt4iM


Car On A Cup

21 Sep 2006

Yesterday Steve from Adrants blogged about a Lamborghini parked on top of a few tea cups. The image he posted was not really clear, so I surfed around a bit and came up with this set of pics, illustrating the outdoor action a bit more. As already stated, it seems rather pointless, yet impressive, to put a sports car on a table, supported by 4 cups. I still don’t get the link between the ugly green color and the rest of the tableware, but hey, it’s marketing. What did you expect? Done by Canadian china chain William Ashley in an effort to attract attention to the flagship store during the Toronto Film Festival Week in Canada.

William Ashley 1

William Ashley 2

William Ashley 3

William Ashley 4

William Ashley 5

William Ashley 6

William Ashley 7


For Sale: Nothing

21 Sep 2006

Straight to the ‘gotta keep this in mind for x-mas’ archive goes this enlightened beauty, of which I’m pretty sure some people would be really ok with finding it under their tree. Adorably simple, very marketable and so totally worth it:


Product sales pitch:

What better present for the person who has everything than a poignant reminder that they want for nothing? This lovingly crafted vial of emptiness is filled to the brim with unfettered nothingness. Free from the burden of possessions, the weight of responsibility, Nothing is as idiotic as it is brilliant.

Indeed even old Macbeth, though mad as a kipper, realised that life, whilst full of sound and fury (and that was before iPods) is inherently daft and ultimately signifies Nothing. And let us not forget, that ‘Nothing’ is so important that most of our universe – and the contents of a lot of people’s heads – appears to be made up of it.

It’s a statement, an empty gesture if you will, a nod at the futility of ownership, and yet despite ‘Nothing’ being nothing, it is of course packed with millions of protons, neutrons and what have you, which is pretty good for Nothing.

Yours for the humble price of $6.28

For sale on: I Want One Of Those | via Bnox


M&M’s Viral Game

21 Sep 2006

Unlike Virgin Digital’s Viral Music Quiz or Absolut’s 82 Bottles game, this game from M&M’s is a hard nut to crack. “Dark Chocolate” invites you to locate 50 hidden horror movies by following the visual clues. Each movie title is represented by a visual riddle in the painting and you can use your mouse to ‘get around’ within the painting itself. Using the ‘X’ and ‘Z’ key you can zoom in or out on the details (or by clicking the ‘+’ and ‘-’). If you think you’re on to something, click the clue and type your answer in the box. If it’s correct, the box will turn green. If it turns red it means you’re way off or that you’ve misspelled the title. Enjoy!

M&M's Horror Riddles

Check out the game | Thanks, Philipp


The Right Audience

21 Sep 2006

Hmm. This one got me giggling on the train to work: Nathan dug up a story from an SEO website, where the admin was thinking about why he shouldn’t select ’suicide’ as a paid adword anymore:

In order to advertise this site, I pay google for certain keywords. One of those keywords used to be “Suicide”. They made up a good percentage of our users. However, I deciced to get rid of the term because they were costing me money to come here, and they were just going to kill themselves anyway. That means they would not be repeat users. No reason to pay to get them here.

Heheheh. Seriously. You can’t make up stuff like this. :)


Science World II

21 Sep 2006

This series of ads must be part of a campaign I blogged earlier already, because it fits right in with the previous ads. Although they’re a bit less funny, they still appeal by using ‘facts of life’ of general interest, informing people of things they really didn’t know yet and doing so in a public area. The previous campaign had celebrities in it and included a funny statement next to the images and I liked that more, but this campaign is also kind of attractive. It’s a good conversation starter when you’re waiting at those bus stops… especially the third one, with the hair. Eww.

Agency: Rethink (?)
Via: AdsOfTheWorld

Previous Science World campaign


Spiked Magazines

20 Sep 2006

Another good campaign from Canada: JWT Toronto placed stickers on the covers of magazines in doctor’s waiting rooms, sponsored by Purell, a hand sanitizer from Pfizer. The stickers have a copy like: “Thumbed through by sick people since September 2005, “Gently sneezed on since October 2002″ and “Exposing patients to more than germs since November 1998.” The idea is really good, but I have my reasonable doubts over the fact that patients are made aware of the fact that they actually are exposed to even more ‘germs’ than they already have been. On the other hand it’s a good thing because it also makes people aware of the fact that they need to wash their hands more often and after all, this week is national wash-your-hands week in the US. Just so you know.

Purell 1

Purell 1

WashYourHands is a campaign to improve hand hygiene, sponsored by Purell – a hand sanitizer from Pfizer. People could read the issue date through a hole in the stickers, giving the headline a bite, and reinforcing hand hygiene. Then trumpets Purell as a quick, convenient germ killer.

via Adverbox