Archive for August, 2006

The Stones

25 Aug 2006

This is an example of an ambient media action for the International Society for Human Rights in Germany. It’s supposed to get people think about situations in foreign countries where ’stoning someone to death’ is still considered a legal punishment. Too bad I don’t know what the copy reads on the tag that was attached to the wrist of the victim, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t anything casual. It’s a pretty shocking sight to come across in the streets, that I almost know for sure. It’s an eyecatching installment for sure and obviously its purpose is to make people aware about how lucky they are to live in a democratic country with a humane and civilized law system.


Agency: Jung von Matt – Germany

Update: Daniela B. found a translation of the tag:

Cause of Death: Stoning to death

Time of Death: 12/10/02

[unreadable] This could be your arm.
If you lived in Sudan for example.
And a Sharia-trial thinks you committed
adultery. The ICFM fights for a
global ban on stonings.
Help us.


Here’s also a closeup where the text is more readable.

Thanks for helping me out, Daniela!


Where DHL Belongs

25 Aug 2006

This guerrilla is pretty cool. They’ve used lamp posts, traffic signs, toys from playgrounds and other objects in the city scenery and made it look like they all came out of a DHL delivery box. The slogan “If it is where it belongs, it was probably delivered by DHL” is attached with a sticker (it could be printed as well) to the boxes and suggests DHL really delivers anything, anytime and anywhere. It’s a nice non-destructive guerrilla and I like it. It makes you realise that DHL delivers a lot of products of various sizes and that DHL is in fact pretty much anywhere you look. You just didn’t know it yet.

DHL Guerrilla

via Coloribus


Arush Energy Drink

24 Aug 2006

I love the way they pictured the drink as a battery in these ads. It points out very well what exactly they want you to use it for: if you’ve ran out of power and need a new shot of energy. It’s so simple, and so obvious, but I don’t think anyone else in the segment ever pictured it this way. (At least not to my knowledge) – Sort of reminds me of Terminator or something robotistic of that kind. I don’t know why, but it does. Nice artwork.

Arush Energy Drink

Arush Energy Drink

Copy: “SoBe Arush – Energy Drink”

Agency: BBDO Toronto
Creative Director: Ian Mackellar
Art Director: Mark Mason
Copywriter: Patrick Scissons
Photographer: Mark Zibert
Via: SeaSpace


Channels To Target An Audience

24 Aug 2006

I’ve made a list of all channels and tools I know of today, which marketeers can use to target their audience. Of course you can’t use all channels at once, nor can you use them all at the same time to reach your target group, but with a well-selected few, you’re bound to make some results and start some buzz, or gather the info and feedack you were looking for. It’s an incomplete list, I’m well aware of that, but it’s permanently under construction. If you want to contribute, or if you think I missed a significant channel, please drop it in the comments and I’ll add it to the list. The purpose of this post is to have an overview of possible means to communicate to ‘people’ in general, for whenever you need an answer to the questions: ‘what tools can I offer?’ and ‘how can I reach out?’ (Since the list is rather long, it’s behind the jump). Currently, at it’s starting point, there are 100 items on the list.

Read the rest of this entry »


Adidas Sponsors Perfect 10

24 Aug 2006

Well. I had never heard of Nadia Comaneci, presumably because she was a famous gymnast in and around the year in which I was born. Three years before I first saw daylight, Nadia scored a perfect 10 in Montréal (1976) and Adidas made a commercial about it. You might wonder why I write all this. Me too. But there’s a tiny story attached. I’ve received an email from Frederico, who dug up that Adidas commercial and he thinks this ad is very clever and greatly done. Then he asked what I thought of it, which brings us back to this post.

Nadia Comaneci

Well. I agree a bit with you, Frederico, but not all the way. It’s not one of the best ads I’ve seen, although you think it is (which is your good right). It’s a good ad, a typical ‘we-sponsor-this-athlete’ kind of ad and what the little gymnast is doing is waaaay beyond what I can do. It’s almost insane the way Nadia Comaneci handles the bars and if you look at it from a sports point of view, I agree this is amazing. The message this ad conveys (to reach for excellence), is however one that has been casted many times before on many different ads, so here I (personally) disagree that it stands out. That’s my opinion. Any other takers?

YouTube link



24 Aug 2006

MobiCamp is like BarCamp or FooCamp or CaseCamp, but then for the mobile industry and people who’re interested in mobile solutions. MobiCamp is a no-holds-barred school of mobile thought—and one you can’t buy your way into. Intelligent, forward thinking is your only currency. That said, and in the interest of fairness, there are 3 simple Rules of MobiCamp you need to follow:

  1. You are not speaking at an official CTIA event.
  2. Your presentation is eloquent and relevant to the future of mobile. It focuses on new ideas. It outlines solutions, even if it’s inspired by problems.
  3. You speak for no more than 10 minutes, and are prepared to answer up to 5 minutes of impromptu questions.

Leave behind the approved corporate messages. MobiCamp is where you’ll hear things that need to be said from voices that need to be heard. It’s where you’ll be enlightened by new ideas and inspired by creative thinkers. It’s the stuff we need, but these days so rarely find, at our industry gatherings.

Rather than be subjected to the same old PowerPoint presentations with tired stats and uninteresting samples of “mobile snacks,” come share your stories and your vision with others who will help you shape the future of mobile.

MobiCamp is a community-generated mashup. If you’ve got something to contribute, you can decide how it fits into the agenda. MobiCamp’s US thing is on Sept. 11th 2006 from 7PM to 10PM, 111 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, California. And hopefully it’ll find its path to Europe as well.
(Can we integrate it in ‘our’ next BarCamp, Peter?)

Check out the MobiCamp site


Vans Skate Shoes

23 Aug 2006

Interesting print campaign for Vans, my favorite brand of skate shoes back when I was still a concrete junkie. You had to take a skateboarder on a transparent piece of plastic and insert it between the fold of the magazine. That created the illusion of a lunatic on wheels popping some nasty trick over the obstacles that are printed on the two pages. Really great!

Vans 1

Vans 2

Vans 3

Title: Vans Launch
Agency: Miami Ad School San Francisco
Copywriter: Adam Rosenberg
Art Directors: Ian Hart, Jordan Chouteau
Via: ihaveanidea


Trimmed Bush

23 Aug 2006

Sorry to all the googlers that will end up visiting this page in the hopes of finding pictures of female trimmed pubes. Thanks for visiting but I doubt that what follows will still interest you. For those who’re here for ads and some other marketing thoughts: The Philips Bikini Trimmer was promoted by placing trimmed bushes in venues visited by body-concious females like gyms, health clubs and swimming pools. Funny guerrilla by DDB London.

Trimmed Bush

Via TheHiddenPersuader