Make Street Children Count

15 Jul 2006

My dad came to me a few days ago with a piece of newspaper. He said he kept it for me because there was an ad in it I could probably use for the blog. He was right, and I think it’s very cool of him to actually start looking for things I can use. Thanks, dad. The ad he had seen was for, and I digitalized it so I could blog it here. MobileSchool is a non-profit organisation that focuses on the improvement of life-circumstances of street children. The mobile school project is one of their projects. With the slogan “Make Street Children Count” they’re trying to grab the viewer’s attention and get people involved. As you can see, the slogan is pretty well illustrated with a blink to what Mobile School is actually accomplishing, as well as to the direct interpretation of the slogan.


Copy: “Make Street Children Count – Today, Mobile School is driving 18 mobile school carts to over 30.000 street children worldwide. Local field-workers transform these carts into big blackboards and game boards on wheels. On the curb they teach the kids in a playful fashion and learn them to write, to count and to believe in theirselves. Are you willing to help us create some more schools? 100 million street children are counting on you! Give Mobile School a push on 523-0802049-31″

Logo on the right: “ Take the school to the street.”


Posted by Miel Van Opstal in Advertising, Campaigns, Ethics, Marketing


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  1. Marketing Post™ »Beta» Pazarlama Hakkında her şey

    July 16, 2006 at 10:34 pm

    [...] Make Street Children Count – Today, Mobile School is driving 18 mobile school carts to over 30.000 street children worldwide. Local field-workers transform these carts into big blackboards and game boards on wheels. On the curb they teach the kids in a playful fashion and learn them to write, to count and to believe in theirselves. Are you willing to help us create some more schools? 100 million street children are counting on you! Give Mobile School a push on 523-0802049-31Sokak çocukları okula gidemez ama okul onlara gelebilir. Mobil School bunu gerçekleştiriyor. Daha önce de bahsetmiştim bu konudan ama Coolz0r‘da yukarıdaki çalışmayı görünce yayınlamadan geçmek istemedim. Biz ne zaman kendi sokak çocuklarımıza ( link1 , link2 ) sahip çıkacağız? Pazarlamacılar, ne zaman parlak iş fikirlerini bu tarz projelerde kullanacaklar? Ne zaman para kazanmadan da sosyal amaçlı işlere girecekler? Mesela, bu derneklerden biri için, pazarlama ve reklam blogları olarak, bir proje başlatamayız mı? Böyle bir cesaretimiz ve bize para kazandırmayacak sosyal projelere girme sorumluluğumuz yok mu?  Pazarlama hayatı ve dünyayı güzelleştirmek için varsa ve  gerçekten inandığımız kadar güçlüyse, bunu yapabiliriz diye düşünüyorum. Yapabilir miyiz gerçekten?   [...]

  2. karen

    July 18, 2006 at 8:53 am

    hi there… theres a similar ad campaign back here in the philippines. i think its for children’s hour (??) i am not really sure. its a charity organzation aiming to help kids off streets. they have these kids using chalk to draw in streets. some ads had been a kid drawing a plate. spoon and fork and a real trash can looking like a glass. the other one was a drawing a bed in the street. err hope you got that. basta… i’ll post links if i found one.

  3. Coolz0r

    July 18, 2006 at 9:16 am

    Cool, thanks! You can drop a link to it anytime !