6 Millon Dollar Man

18 Jun 2006

Here I was thinking that ‘The Six Million Dollar Man’ was a classic cult movie from 1974, but apparently it also seems to have been a hit series on 8TV, although a search in the schedule doesn’t return any results, so I figure the below guerrilla is quite ‘old’ already. The original movie is all about Air Force Colonel Steve Austin, an astronaut who had walked on the moon. In a plane crash, he is almost fatally injured and almost all of his damaged body parts are replaced by experimental bionic limbs, including his right arm, his left eye, and both legs. These bionics give him superpowers such as increased speed and strength and the ability to see long distances. To pay the U.S. Government back the $6,000,000 it cost to rebuild him, Austin goes to work for the Office of Scientific Investigation as an agent, investigating foreign spies, mad scientists, bombers, space aliens, and even Bigfoot. Sounds a bit like robocop, but we’re in 1974, so this was very impressive back then. So, for the hit series on 8TV, I guess the story should be something alike. This explanation should provide you with enough context to fully understand the elevator guerrilla for ‘The Six Million Dollar Man’ pictured below:

8TV - Six Million Dollar Man

via Mighty Optical Illusions | IMDb

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Posted by Miel Van Opstal in Advertising, Campaigns, Marketing


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