Horror Advertising

20 Mar 2006

I understand sometimes confronting advertisement is the best way to achieve your goal. I understand shocking people is often the only means left to actually get through to people in a world that’s filled with violence. I do, however, think that this is a bit over the edge. This image has a white backside, and was placed on the windshields of cars near schools with the printed side turned to the car.

Low Speed is better

It’s hard enough as it is, you don’t have to rub it in like that. This might cause horrific visions when you’re asleep, and it’s not because you own a car that you by definition qualify as a murderer. Suppose you lost a child in a traffic accident (which happens too much already, I agree), I don’t think this is what you want to see when you get in your car. The ad campaign will have it’s effect. Some people might even stop driving I think. But chances are you’ll shock and offend a lot of people that drive safely already. It’s not a pretty sight. No accident is. But this is definitely just that bit too far. That’s my two cents.

via Ads Of The World


Posted by Miel Van Opstal in Advertising, Campaigns, Marketing


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  1. Acushla

    March 31, 2006 at 8:48 pm

    This ad’s short-term effectiveness hinges on its shock value. While it grabs my attention for now, in the longer term, it’s just going to be one of those “scare” ads non-smoking campaigns are famous for. Personally I’m immune to preachy messages that try to scare you with the threat of going to hell, figuratively speaking. I’d say, to hell with the preacher.

  2. Coolz0r - Marketing Thoughts » Sticky Bus

    April 27, 2006 at 8:04 am

    [...] In the category:”what’s that on your window?” we find this ad to promote road safety. Pinheiros seems to be a borough of the city of São Paulo, so I suppose that would make this a local ad for the Brazilian city. Could be that I’m wrong though. Anyway, this ad reminded me of another ad with a dead kid which was placed face down on the windshield (pun intended). Remarkably enough, this seems to be a way to grab people’s attention. I’ve seen this ad on another site too recently, but I can’t seem to track it down. I checked my feeds but it’s gone. Weird. It seems so familiar. [...]