Technorati & Mobile Television

04 Sep 2005

Here I was thinking I was alone with the Technorati problems. Randy already assured me there were plenty of people who’re thinking the same way. I’ve linked up some other folks who’ve dropped the tag search engine for blogs and are focussing on new tools to use in tracing and measuring links and referrers. If Technorati doesn’t change fast, chances are high some search engine, say Google, will adapt the technology and bypass Technorati. Maybe it won’t be Google, but it’s bound to happen. The blogosphere has become too large for Technorati to measure it. Other and more powerful search companies see this too. There’s a huge market if only you have the equipment to monitor the pulse accurately. Unless something very funky is about to happen at Technorati, I’d doubt it they stay in the ‘discovering’ segment of this market. They’ve become average and mainstream over at Technorati, now it’s time to stop inventing and start dealing with the technical difficulties that are out there today. So far for the Technorati part. I hope they manage to pull it all straight. Time will tell.

No TV on MyPhone.

Want to watch TV on your mobile phone? The wireless industry is betting billions that you do.
I’ve been thinking about this recently, and with all the new evolutions in mobile technologies swiftly being released one after another you’d almost fail to stop and wonder about the usefulness of these inventions. Therefor, today, I’d like to state that in no way whatsoever I can imagine myself watching tv on a mobile phone. I don’t watch tv in real life, so why on earth should I use it while on the road to somewhere? Mobile TV is something mankind can do without. More and more I hear people around me that go out to buy a phone with as less features as possible. Taking pictures is the maximum level of ‘imagery’ there should be on a mobile device, with an exeption for videocapturing, although you’ll need a lot of ‘diskspace’ to store your footage.

Another thing I’m wondering about is: in what degree will the consumer be able to or be willing to pay for receiving ‘live’ television on his mobile. Since making internet connections already is quite expensive and is , unless using a ‘company’ phone, unattractive to consumers because they don’t send text mails, but instead a lot of FWD stuff like movies, attachments, jokes ,… making it useless to download the content or open the email on the phone. As if they will start forwarding the latest powerpoint while they’re on the bus or in a traffic jam on their way home. Not !

Overcoming the aversion consumers generally have towards the ‘actions’ by phone will only be solved by introducing an afforable ‘broadband’ mobile network that allows subscribers to connect to the service fast and easy. I’m looking to it this way : in the beginning of the internet, everything was 28.8k/s, later on 56k/s. The revolution was DSL and cable, and what it meant to the internet and the users was the key to an explosive growth : speed and comfort for an affordable price. I’m still waiting for such a thing to happen in mobile technology. [Read]

Links for September, 4th :

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Posted by Miel Van Opstal in General, Mobile & VoIP, Search, Technology, Tools


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