Advanced Paintball : The Urban Combat Method

12 Jul 2005

Last year there was Lanz0r, a cool mid-sized LAN party that hosted about 100 totally deranged computeers and gamers for the second time. Lanz0r was a total success, but still, there was no sequel planned for the sequel, and this year a paintball-day brought together the core of familiar face. Including yours truly, who’s returned wounded from the fields of glory. Awch. Don’t make me laugh, that hurts.

Mister Petzolini from [Casetuning] was the organising force behind this daytrip and had arranged for our arrival at about 11am. Also on the list were public enemy and local sitting duck [CTGilles] and the computer wizzard [Primo] who’s the main supplier of all our hardware.

There were other familiar faces I could put a nickname onto, but the url and real name escapes me for the moment. Dudes, dudettes, … post it in the comments so I can link you up, should you ever read this. Next time I’ll write it down. Cheers to the people from [ASLPage] and to Hackslet from Telenet, if you still work there. Yeah, it was fun.

Paintball is much like [DesertCombat, the mod from Battlefield], but then more painfull and very exhausting. The sun was burning down upon us as we fought each other in the remains of an old fort that served in a defense line. The grounds were much like Iwo Jima, water surrounded the battlefield. There was only confrontation, no escape.

In the middle of the field was the roof of the bunkered fort, a lot of original debris from the fort was used as camping spots or scouting posts, and a few dozen of barrels formed barricades every here and there. Good places to hide behind. There were manholes, that were overgrown with plants in which nobody could see you when you were hiding, and they’ve proven to be very efficient :)

Around the fort was forest on a wall of sand, with steep edges and then a lot of water. It was a massive terrain that easily took a three to four minute run at top speed to cross if you wouldn’t mind the sandy hills or trees. Running meant dying a little. Sweat was literally pouring of our bodies, which were protectively covered with typically army overalls. That combined with the mask was… hard.

I got killed a few times, but I did my part of wasting too. :)
I took some ugly hits from behind when I was covering Primo on our way to get the flag, and got hit under my mask in the neck, and later in another battle on the back of my head. I can tell you this : it hurts.

Following pictures were taken 8 hours after the Great Shooting of 1 PM. At first my mom thought I had a hungry girlfriend, but when she saw the bumps, she believed it. – Paintball rules.


Petzo sported a really funky mobile, and took a pic of us when we were inside the fort and waiting to get our guns. :)

I’m the third nerd from the left, or the second from the right.


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Posted by Miel Van Opstal in General


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