Loic Le Meur vs. John Gibson (FOX)

08 Jul 2005

There’s a big fuzz going on about John Gibson, a Fox News ‘journalist’, who wishes some other city would have been bombed instead of London. This is an outrage ! How could anyone wish this to somebody else? This is a total lack of awareness about the consequences of words, especially when you’re writing for an internationally recognized press agency. John Gibson is an amateur. What follows comes directly from Loic Le Meur’s blog.

John Gibson (Fox News) wishes the French would have suffered from the bombings

Update: the post was dated before the bombings, so I agree my title is a bit misleading, but I think Gibson’s intentions are confirmed by the note he posted the day after his post, check this one:

“The bombings in London: This is why I thought the Brits should let the French have the Olympics – let somebody else be worried about guys with backpack bombs for a while.” Gibson JohnWhat kind of journalist are you, Mr Gibson ? I see your article, Missed Opportunity, as racism and defamation to the French. Actually you could have replaced Paris and the French by any other city and people, I would have thought exactly the same of your words, you are dangerous and I wonder how any media can give you a tribune with such an article.
Too bad you don’t have a blog, Mr Gibson, too bad you don’t have comments on your article, I really wish I would see the reactions of your readers. It is with the kind of words you have that hate and racism like yours spread around the world. 

John Gibson:

“Paris was exactly the right place to pick and the Olympic committee screwed up.
Why? Simple. It would have been a three-week period where we wouldn’t have had to worry about terrorism.

First, the French think they are so good at dealing with the Arab world that they would have gone out and paid every terrorist off. And things would have been calm. Or another way to look at it is the French are already up to their eyeballs in terrorists. The French hide them in miserable slums, out of sight of the rich people in Paris.

So it would have been a treat, actually, to watch the French dealing with the problem of their own homegrown Islamist terrorists living in France already.”


It would have been a delight to have Parisians worried about security instead of New Yorkers. It would have been exquisite to watch.

But, alas, they picked London. I like the Brits. I like London. I hate to see them going through all this garbage when it would have been just fine in Paris.”

Dear Mr Gibson, we have dealt many times with terrorism in France, and I can tell you as well that Parisians and the French are worried about security. Your words are just impossible for me to qualify. Shame on you.

Actually I found a few words: articles like this one generate hate and terrorism, you are just like them.


The readers of my french blog want your apologies, Mr Gibson. and another one tells me that Gibson posts anonymously to Lots of reactions already, thanks: Robert Scoble, Dennis Howlett, the Gadget Guy, Joi, Neville, and many others.

Read @ [Loic Le Meur]

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Posted by Miel Van Opstal in Blogs, Ethics


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